Monday 23 November 2009

Autumn on Rannoch Moor

You might have noticed it's been a bit wet recently. We managed to sneak a quick trip north, more or less in between two fronts of torrential rain and high winds and as usual, the Bongo did us proud.

Lonely looking Dunslair Bongo at its overnight stop
It was too windy overnight to risk the AFT but we woke to a lovely calm morning

Looking across towards Ben Dorain (think that's spelt correctly)
We had the first hour or so of our walk in dry weather and then it started raining (just a bit).

Rain on it's way!
The rain gave us our first opportunity to test the flexibility of our un-converted Bongo in bad weather. All summer we were fortunate enough to be able to use our Stimson Explorer Kit from the tailgate and it had worked superbly. But by pushing both rows of seats back as far as they would go, we found we could comfortably use it inside the van too. We only had the two adult Dunslairs with us this time, so there was plenty of room, even though we couldn't lift the AFT in the wind. If the two mini-Dunslairs were also present, one of them could have sat on the fold up seat behind the passenger seat. The other would either have had to sit in the drivers seat or squeezed in next to us on the middle row of seats. So we were able to spend a day out in the elements, with everything Rannoch Moor could chuck at us and come back to hot food and drink and somewhere to change in to dry clothes. Result.